The best laptops for programming

Three laptops from Apple, Razer and LG on a red background
(Image credit: Apple/Razer/LG)

The best laptops for programming offer a lightweight and slim design for easy mobility, yet pack enough power to handle demanding development tasks on the go. That makes it easy for you to throw them into a bag and take them everywhere you go, without compromising on performance.

There are so many options these days, though, that's it's easy to get lost in the weeds. So our experts have meticulously evaluated and narrowed down the current crop of laptops to a curated selection. These are, in other words, the absolute best laptops for programming programmers' needs. We've tested these laptops for factors including speed, performance, power, display quality and battery life to ensure they'll deliver the performance you need throughout long coding sessions.

A veteran from the days of the 8-bit ZX Spectrum, Orestis is always interested in the fastest, slickest way to make computers do new and exciting things.
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