5 new rules for creating effective product names

It’s hard for new products to stand out and grab attention in the constantly-changing and increasingly global and digital marketplace. But there is an often-overlooked asset that many brands don’t put enough priority into: the product name. Selecting the right name has never been more important and the naming process has never been more challenging. 

After all, a name is the one thing your competitors can’t take away from you. The reality is that most products and services can be copied over time. The brand name is the one thing that can’t be copied. As a registered trademark, a name is protected. It is valuable intellectual property, just as much as a patent. This makes selecting unique product names more important than ever.

After 40 years in the naming business, I have identified a few essential rules and conventions of product naming designed to optimize the selection of your next name. These are based on our approach of strategy, creativity and linguistics - combined to create a brand name that is unique, memorable, lasting and most importantly, helps a company grow.

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David Placek

David is the president and founder of Lexicon Branding.